‘Cancer to democracy’

Dear Editor:

An open letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

I read with dismay in news reports that you decided to stay on as prime minister, after yet four more ministers in the Liberal caucus made public that they would not stand for re-election in the next federal election.

In recent past elections, you have told Canadians that your government would be “transparent,” among other things, but the opposite is true. 

As an 80-year-old peacekeeping veteran, I am appalled that you have allowed our military to be reduced to such a deplorable state, that the outgoing chief of defence staff referred to our military as “irrelevant” on the world stage. This couldn’t come at a worse time, as the troubles in the Middle East and Ukraine are beginning to spread. If Donald Trump wins the election in the U.S., I doubt that we can count on the U.S. for military aid if and when the need arises.

The minute hand on the “doomsday clock” is very near “12-o-clock”, and here we are with a military that has 16,000 positions that they can’t fill, and their equipment is more than 50% unusable, or downright outdated!

You, Mr. Prime Minister, have allowed all the above to happen as prime minister for the last nine years. You cannot blame anyone else for this. You have spent billions of dollars off-shore and at home on your pet projects, thinking that these projects would make you look like a real world leader. In fact, the opposite is true. You left our borders to the south open for all sorts of people by the thousands to come to Canada, putting a massive drain on our infrastructure.

Homelessness has skyrocketed and hunger has increased to a point that’s not been experienced for a long time, if ever (according to food banks). Similarly, our economy has nose-dived, no doubt because of your insane carbon tax. 

You say we get that carbon tax back, then, why impose it? Do we get the HST back that we paid on top of the carbon tax? Do you understand that because of the carbon tax on home heating, that this has also affected home ownership?

Do you now understand why Canada’s economy is in a free-fall? 

Finally, with Russia and/or China knocking at our northern door and our military “irrelevant”, and the U.S. military may/may not come to our aid, I’m going to advise my kids, to keep my grandchildren close to home, as conscription will surely follow if the unthinkable happens.

In view of everything I’ve stated above, I submit that you are a cancer to our democracy, and respectfully encourage you to resign immediately.

Jacques De Winter,