Guelph seniors organize march and rally for climate action

GUELPH – Seniors in Guelph are using National Seniors Day and the International Day of Older Persons to call attention to what is described as “the worsening climate emergency” with a rally on Oct. 1.

“At this stage in our life we have the time and resources to advocate for serious climate action, so we are stepping up,” stated John Lawson, a founder of the Guelph chapter of Seniors for Climate Action Now, in a news release.

The Guelph rally will be among more than 60 events across the country organized by Seniors for Climate as part of a global trend of elders advocating for urgent climate action to secure a livable future for subsequent generations, the release said.

“A longtime environmentalist, my focus intensified when I became a grandmother,” stated Barb Anderson in the release. “I am deeply concerned about the effects of climate change on future generations and I’m thrilled to be joining so many like-minded seniors in preparing for Oct. 1. I look forward to meeting many more seniors concerned for the future at the event itself. Later is too late!”

Seniors, as well as the general public, in Guelph and the surrounding areas are being invited to meet at 2:30pm at one of two locations – St. George’s Square or the covered bridge near Royal City Park. From these two points, they will walk together to city hall for a rally starting at 3:15pm.

Participants are being encouraged to carry their climate messages and concerns on placards.

The rally will include various speakers, including local singer/songwriter James Gordon and the Raging Grannies. 

Sponsors of the Seniors for Climate project include Suzuki Elders, Climate Action for Lifelong Learning, Grandmothers Act to Save the Planet, Seniors for Climate Action Now and others.

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