Dear Editor:
I have never sent a letter in before but after seeing what Town of Erin officials did by spending $20,000 for a new logo, an unnecessary change I might add, well, it made my blood boil.
Mayor Michael Dehn, you should know better than to agree to and allow this ridiculous amount of money to be given to Trajectory Brands for a logo that is not new nor unique for our town.
It appears this was not designed for Erin, but simply copied from European logos used.
Councillor Cathy Aylard did you really make the statement that this new copied logo reflects our town’s mission and vision? All I can say is unbelievable.
The shamrock that has been used in our logo for many years worked just fine; so much so new homes are being built all around us.
Mayor Dehn and the town council obviously had lots of taxpayer money kicking around to waste on such a rebranding. Our town does not need rebranding, we need smart elected individuals who will think through things before spending unnecessarily.
As a taxpayer and long-term community member, I personally find this sad and embarrassing, and that is an understatement.
Cheryl Griffith,