Town puts off bylaw regulating large vehicle parking until 2012

Residents looking for a resolution in regards to a zoning bylaw regulating the parking of large commercial vehicles will now have to wait at least two years.

Erin council voted last week to defer the matter until 2012, when town officials expect to commence the regular comprehensive zoning bylaw review.

The issue first arose when several neighbours complained about a school bus parked in the driveway of a home on For­est Ridge Road, despite efforts by the owner to screen the view of the bus, including the installation of landscaping and a fence along the property line.

Several neighbours wondered if another commercial ve­hicle like a sewage truck would be permitted as well. They were surprised to learn that even if council does prohibit the parking of commercial vehicles in residential areas, there may be nothing the town can do about the school bus in question anyway.

Planner Sally Stull explain­ed the legal non-conforming clause would “[allow] owners currently parking their vehicles in their driveway to continue the practice indefinitely despite any regulation that may be enacted.”

When one resident complained that provision makes little sense, Mayor Rod Finnie replied, “That is the law.”

Finnie said the matter is a difficult one with which to deal, adding the town has a preliminary list of about 150 large vehicles parked in residential areas throughout Erin.

The mayor apologized to those in attendance who ex­pected a resolution sooner, but said town officials need some time to examine the full extent of the problem, as well as potential solutions.

He also noted councillors had “a pretty heated discussion” the last time council reviewed the matter.

Council voted 3-1 to defer the matter until the 2012 zoning bylaw review, with councillor Ken Chapman opposed (councillor John Brennan was absent).

