Terry Fox Run request deferred by council

The Terry Fox Run may be known as the Run for a Cure, but council here has yet to decide if organizers will get to sidestep rental fees.

On Oct. 6, council received a number of pieces of correspondence about last month’s Terry Fox run in Ar­thur.

“Foundation policies and guidelines dictate that all goods and services related to a run event must be donated in full,”  said Kim Smith, community events coordinator for the Terry Fox Foundation.

Smith added “no mon­ies raised during a Terry Fox Run can be directed toward covering its expenses.”

However, the resolution pass­ed by council last August simply stated that the Arthur Terry Fox committee would be given permission to use the Op­timist Pavilion as the start and finish station for the run.

Payment for the rental came from the personal account of one of the organizers.

Councillor Ross Chaulk said he thought the municipality was trying to move away from giving away use of its faci­lities.

Mayor Mike Broomhead asked that a bit more research be done on what council has done in the past, and to have a report brought back to council.

