Elmira Theatre Company looking to cast adults

ELMIRA –  The Elmira Theatre Company released upcoming audition dates for the production of Forever Love by Michael Grant. 

Auditions to be held on Sept. 9 and Sept. 11 both at 7pm at the Elmira Theatre Company, 60 Arthur Street South, Elmira. 

When arriving at the St. James Lutheran Church for auditions, enter at the side on Wyatt St., stated officials. 

With call-backs on Sept. 16 at 7pm if needed, officials stated.

The casting requirements state one female and one male age 50 to 60. 

The production portrays the story of Kyle and Max’s relationship told in their own words, Officials stated.

From their high school dance in the eighties through to their relationship years later.

Love between teenagers is much different than love between adults and some love is forever and some unfortunately does not stand the test of time. 

The show will occur on Thursdays to Sundays, Feb. 7 to 16. 

All shows to begin at 7:30pm except Sunday shows which will be 2:30pm matinees. 

Director Grant will be accompanied by stage manager Kathy Fahey and producer Allison Bird Brenner.

For further information contact Allison Bird Brenner at allisonbird.brenner@gmail.com or visit www.elmiratheatre.com/upcoming-auditions.