Council rebuilds road in downtown

Council here gave unanimous approval on Monday afternoon to let a tender that will close part of the downtown until December.

Treasurer Wes Snarr called the work an “amalgamation of a number of projects.”

Centre Wellington Town­ship is the administrator for the work, which includes the coun­ty’s bridge on Metcalfe Street.

That tender was awarded to Drexler Construction Limited of Rockwood for $1.81-milli­on at a special council meeting.

Snarr said in his report the work includes the recon­struc­tion of Metcalfe and McNabb Streets from County Road 21 to County Road 7 to the Grand River in downtown Elora, plus Clyde Street and parking ad­jacent to the old armoury that is now the LCBO. It also includes sanitary and storm sewers, re­paving and rerouting some streets, and a roundabout at the top of Metcalfe where it meets McNabb Street.

Drexler was one of five bidders, and had the lowest bid. The highest was $2.09-million from Moorefield Excavating Limited, of Harriston.

The township expects to re­cover the GST portion of the contract, worth $86,418.

The engineering is estimat­ed at $150,000, and the county is expected to pay $728,458, leaving Centre Wellington with a net cost of $1.14-million.The township received two gov­ernment grants worth $595,000 and 99,600 respectively. As well, there was $155,000 from the development charges fund.

The taxpayers’ cost is $113,000.

Councillor Walt Visser ask­ed if the small stream that runs down the hill near the Gingerbread house adjacent to Metcalfe Street will be rerouted.

Denis Hollands, of Triton Engineering, said it will not, because the property owner asked that it be kept open. Much of the water will go into the storm sewer, but the stream will remain on the property.

Councillor Kirk McElwain asked which developer fund paid charges for some of the work.

Snarr said the Elora Ridge development payment of those charges will cover some im­provements on Water Street, to the east of Metcalfe.

In question period, Holl­ands was asked when the work will start and when it is ex­pected to finish. The starting date is within two weeks, and he hopes the work is done by mid-December. He added that some final paving might be delayed until the spring.

Mayor Joanne Ross-Zuj asked if the annual Santa Claus parade would have use of the road. Hollands said it would.

Councillors were unani­mous in letting the tender, Councillors Ron Hallman and Bob Foster were absent.


