Councillors fed up with vandals; planning talks with police

Several councillors here joked it must be time for students to head back to school, seeing as some of them have nothing better to do than vandalize property.

But councillors stressed the vandals – whether or not they are in fact youths – are causing damage throughout Erin, and that is no laughing matter.

“There seems to be a tremendous amount of vandalism going on around the town,” said councillor Josie Winter­singer.

She noted vandals have been smashing a lot of mailboxes in rural areas lately, as well as tipping over flower con­tainers in urban areas.

Councillor Ken Chapman also expressed his displeasure with local vandals, who have “destroyed” the soccer nets at Barbour Field in Hillsburgh on several occasions, including at least once in broad daylight. He said there has to be a zero tolerance policy for vandals like there is for shoplifters. Councillor Barb Tocher agreed, but said the problem with vandals has always been catching them.

Clerk Kathryn Ironmonger noted there has also been a lot of other damage caused throughout the town, including a recent break-in at Venezia Pizza, on Main Street in Erin village.

At the request of council, Mayor Rod Finnie said he would talk to representatives of the county OPP detachment about vandalism and suggest increased surveillance in town, including around Barbour Field.

The recent rash of damage is not limited to Erin alone – vandalism seems to be up around the county this summer.

