Dear Editor:
RE: Kelly Waterhouse’s column, Belly, June 13.
Kelly, you have the idyllic little farm you have always dreamed about. You are lucky to have the talent as a writer to make a living at it (they say there is nothing more difficult than comedy to be successful at).
You have two wonderful children and a husband that sounds like the perfect match for you. Recently you and he had the privilege of introducing yourselves to your readers (it sounded like he was very popular with them, just as you are). It is unfortunate that your medical history at one time was horrific and it made me very sad that you had to go through such a trying and very dangerous time health wise.
I don’t understand why a grown woman would be intentionally hurtful to you. What she said sounds like something a not very nice teeny-bopper might say. I would surmise, considering the above information concerning you and your family; that the green monster may have made an appearance in the guise of this person. Keep up the wonderful stories, Kelly.
Christy Doraty,