The Wellington County Learning Centre was pleased to receive a donation from from Musashi Auto Parts Inc. associates.
Lesley Morris and Susan Sizer, on behalf of the Musashi social committee, called to announce a donation to the centre of $317.
Musashi is the largest company in Arthur, with over 400 employees and two plants over 130,000 square feet. It provides transmission components, precision steering, and suspension components to a worldwide market.
Musashi employees are community minded and hold numerous fundraisers, dinners, and other events to raise money for various nonprofit community agencies in and around the community. Sometimes the company will match the funds raised by his employees as an added bonus. Through a big book sale, the donation was matched by the company.
This is not the first donation the Learning Centre has received from Musashi, and it has used the funds in the past to serve the literacy and numeracy needs of adults in Wellington County. While the Learning Centre only receives funding to serve 68 adults, last year it helped more than 157 adults improve their reading and writing, get their GED or prepare for college.
Musashi and the Learning Centre have also worked together to provide potential employees with a math orientation that helps in refreshing their math skills needed to work at Musashi. As well, Musashi recently donated five computers for the Learning Centre’s computer lab.
The centre is delighted with the donations and its relationship with Musashi and the staff and board of directors said thanks and wished them continued success.
submitted by Elizabeth Debergh