‘Let’s do it again’

Dear Editor:

We can and must do better. Subsidize 407 tolls for trucks now. It will save billions for the people which can be used to build real affordable housing in the urban areas which is desperately needed. Also it will fix our health care crisis now!

The 413 is estimated to take over a decade to build and create a huge environmental disaster at the same time. We have 16,900km of roads in Ontario. We don’t need any more roads; upgrade the roads we already have.

The 407 is the obvious answer. It’s running at less than 50% capacity when at the same moment in time the 401 is above capacity. I see this scenario all the time. I’m one of the few A/Z drivers with a transponder that has driven on both roads (401 & 407) countless times. 

Highway 407 tolls are among the most expensive in the world, that’s the main reason it’s running well below capacity. Profit margins in the trucking industry are very tight; most trucking outfits can’t afford the expensive tolls on the 407. 

The PCs have to subsidize 407 truck tolls now! Imagine the 401 in four or five years. If Doug Ford is really for the people he could subsidize the 407 for trucks right now with a stroke of a pen; why does he refuse? 

Doug Ford can solve congestion problems right now for people but he wants us to wait for the 413 that won’t even solve the congestion problems even if it’s built.

The estimated $10-billion, 52km 413 won’t do a thing for congestion, it will just create new congestion where there is none!

So why won’t Doug Ford do this for the people? Well it’s obvious he’s for a few very well-connected sprawl folks.

We the people stopped the Greenbelt scandal. We made Doug do the right thing  Let’s do it again. The right thing for the people!

Terry Brooker,