Canada’s federal leaders less popular than ever

OTTAWA – Canada’s national party leaders have never been less popular, according to data released recently by the Angus Reid Institute.

“As of April 2024, there has never been a time when leaders of all three parties simultaneously turn Canadians off to such an extent,” said a release from the non-profit research organization.

Angus Reid plotted data on leader approval over the last five decades, focusing on the “Big Three” — the Liberals, the Conservatives and the New Democrats.

The analysis was based on a standard “net rating” commonly used when looking at political leader approval. It represents approval or favourability minus disapproval or unfavourability.


While there have been other low points, where all three leaders had net-negative ratings, “data indicates Canadians have never been as critical of all three of the major federal party leaders at the same time,” the release said.

Conservative and Opposition leader Pierre Poilievre is the most popular of the three with a negative 12 net rating; NDP leader Jagmeet Singh scores his worst-ever rating at negative 14; and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s approval has dropped to its lowest point at just 28 per cent, with a net approval of negative 38.

Recent data

While historic data typically show a decline in approval for one federal leader engendering the rise in favourability for an alternative leader, the recent data don’t paint the same picture.

Fractured and divisive politics “appear to have created an era where all leaders can remain under water at the same time. Evidently a falling tide lowers all boats,” it said.

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