Township seeking comments on parks, recreation master plan

Centre Well­ing­ton is develop­ing a new parks, recreation and culture master plan.


It is being designed to en­sure the Township’s services, facilities, and programs will con­tinue to meet the needs of residents now and in the future by identifying community demand and strategies for program and facility for the next 10 years. It will determine requirements for parks, rec­reation and culture facilities and services, where new facili­ties should be located, when they will be necessary, and how that  can be achieved.  

In order to ensure the plan is reflective of the township’s needs, department want to hear from citizens.  During the next six months, there will be a variety of ways for the commu­nity to participate in the planning process, including:

– a household telephone survey about how the com­munity is currently involved in parks, recreation and culture and what the current and future needs are. It will determine what activities people are participating in, what im­prove­ments can be made, and what facilities and programs are needed.

Randomly selected house­holds across the township will receive a call in mid to late June and, those who wish to participate will be giving about ten minutes of their time.

– Interviews and meetings One-on-one interviews will be held with local councillors, municipal staff, key agencies, and the private sector to provide opportunity for candid discussion on major topics. Discuss opinions with the local councillors so they aware of particular issues and needs.

– user group surveys will be done throughout June, com­munity groups will be involved through the distribution of a mailed questionnaire to recre­ation, parks and culture facility stakeholders, neighbourhood as­sociations and user-groups such as Sports and community organizations, senior groups, and clubs.

They will be asked for feedback on facilities they use and improvements that need to be made, future needs, trends in participation, etc. This will provide a snapshot of the range of opportunities that are currently available in township and identify areas of key concern for the groups.

Discuss any issues or concerns with representatives of community organizations so that they can communicate this information back to us.

– public meetings Those not selected for the household survey or user group survey can be heard at public meetings. The township will use that feedback to help  complete the master plan.

Meeting dates will be posted when they become available. By attending, people have the opportunity to ask questions and help create the best master plan possible.

Anyone who wishes to submit written comments is welcome to do so. Forward those by mail, fax or e-mail.

They can be sent to  Andie Goldie, Director of Parks and Recreation or Dorothy Smith,     manager of program and event services, at the Township of Centre Wellington. Telephone 519-843-2800 extension 22 or 23. Fax 519-843-2565, or email agoldie@­centre­well­ing­    or ­dsmith­@cen­­tre­well­ing­­ton.­ca.
