‘Please reconsider’

Dear Editor:

RE: County parents struggling to find licensed, subsidized childcare amid space shortage, March 14.

Every time I read about the “lack of subsidized daycare” and parents whining about it, it breaks my heart.

Children would rather be praised than punished, but punished rather than ignored. Children in day care are missing out on so much. The love of a parent who has no time for them, and parents are missing out on all the “first” milestones.

Day care providers mean well, but they’re doing it for a paycheck.  Period. If you can’t or don’t want to raise your babies until they are in school, please reconsider having them.

Downsize your house you can’t afford,  have one used car instead of two new ones. Wait until you can afford things instead of getting so into debt you need two incomes to support the debt.

“Things” will be forgotten tomorrow; memories will last a lifetime. Please give your children memories other than a stranger raising them while you make money for all the things your kids don’t care about.

Only you, the parent, care about the “things” and not the precious, vulnerable children.

It makes me so sad.

Sue Mckenzie,