Not Now Darling running two weekends

The day began as any other at London’s Bodley, Bodley and Crouch Fur Salon.  But that would all change with the sale of Arnold Crouch’s latest creation, an expensive mink coat.
Crouch’s business partner, Gilbert Bodley, is trying to win the affections of his latest mistress with the mink – by sell­ing it to her husband at a frac­tion of the cost. The hu­s­band, on the other hand, sees the bargain as an opportunity to buy the mink for his own mis­tress.
Bodley’s plans to retrieve the coat for his secret rendez­vous are ruined with the unex­pected return of his wife from vacation. Crouch gets caught in the middle of the lies and tur­moil while trying to maintain the business, his dignity, and win the heart of his own love interest. Suspicions arise, black­mail is threatened, scant­ily clad women are hidden in closets, and all the while, it is business as usual with clients due to arrive at any moment.
With every door that opens there is chaos around the corner, mistaken identities, hila­rious one-liners and a fever of frenzied action for all in­volved.
It is all part of the action as Not Now Darling plays at the Century Church Theatre, Main Street Hillsburgh, Feb. 21 to 23, 28 to 29 at 8pm, and March 1 at 2:30pm and 8pm.
General admission for Thurs­­day nights and the Saturday matinee are $15, and Friday and Saturday nights is $18, taxes included. To purchase tickets call the theatre box office at 519-855-4586. Tickets are available at the door only after Feb. 20; cash or cheque is accepted.
