Province will provide regular and H1N1 two flu shots this fall

The provin­cial government hopes to pre­pare all residents for the com­ing flu season, which will be a different flu season from previ­ous years.

This fall and winter, there will be two types of flu viruses circulating – seasonal flu virus­es and the H1N1 flu virus. Two flu vaccines are being devel­oped against those viruses. The seasonal flu vaccine and the H1N1 flu vaccine will be made available this fall. 

To ensure all Ontarians are properly informed about this flu season, every home in On­tario will be receiving informa­tion in the mail regarding the vaccination programs, who to contact for more information, as well as tips on how to prevent the flu and stay healthy.

For additional information on how this year is a different flu season, visit

Flu season in Ontario typi­cally starts in October and ends in April. A seasonal flu vacci­nation will not protect people against the H1N1 flu virus, and that is why there are two vaccinations available.

