Mount Forest senior sets example for healthy, happy lifestyle

MOUNT FOREST – A local woman’s setting an example for others on how to stay active, happy and healthy into their senior years.

“Working for the VON Smart Program I am often truly inspired by the clients who take advantage of our service,” states Smart Program coordinator Kelly Gee.

One such client, says Gee, is Jessie Dorscht who resides at Heritage River Residence.

“This woman is a true role model not only for the staff and residents at the home but to those like myself who want to learn how to maintain health, happiness and a positive attitude even in our 90th year,” Gee adds.

“This wonderful lady still drives, walks daily (without any assistive devices), she never misses an exercise class and cheerfully affects those around her with her infectious personality,” she continued.

Gee sat down with Dorscht and asked her to share what she believes has helped her age so successfully.

“Do your best! Whether it’s pursuing hobbies, work, or relationships, it is worth the effort!” Dorscht responded.