Wellington North hosts volunteer, newcomer celebration

MOUNT FOREST — With more people moving to Wellington North, the community held a volunteer and newcomer celebration on Sept. 14 at the Mount Forest and District Sports Complex.

The celebration began at 11am and included 20 display booths from groups and businesses in the area. 

Wellington North’s manager of community and economic development Dale Small told the Community News about 175 people registered for the event. 

This is the fifth volunteer and newcomers welcome the township has hosted.

“We need to be diverse; we need to be inclusive, we need to welcome everyone,” said Small. 

“That’s who we are as Canadians to some extent. But sometimes in small-town Ontario, it doesn’t feel that way, or it doesn’t look that way. 

“We need to help our communities with welcoming newcomers.”

The Sept. 14 volunteer and newcomer celebration featured 20 booths from groups, organizations and businesses in Wellington North, including the Mount Forest Lions Club. From left: Susan Wells, George Laurencic and Mary Ruth Job.


As people began filling the room and doing some networking, CAO Brooke Lambert took the stage at the front of the room to welcome everyone.

“This is actually my second event in Wellington North as CAO. Last year, I was here as a newcomer myself,” she said. 

“It’s just been wonderful to become part of this community.”

After Lambert thanked the community, members of council, those who organized information tables and Steve Chambers for providing lunch, Mayor Andy Lennox took over.

“We started doing this event because we felt that there was a real need to recognize the value of volunteers in our community.” said Lennox.

“And this is a small opportunity to say thank you, to all of you for what you do as volunteers … to make it feel like a community.

“And we also want to include opportunity for newcomers to be welcomed into the community. And if you’re new to the community, welcome.”

Mayor Andy Lennox, second from right, thanked some volunteers who will be recognized for their volunteer work through the Ontario Volunteer Service Awards.