‘Explosive’ growth

Dear Editor:

RE: Logic out the window, Aug. 10. 

Fergus writer Peter Mandic asks this question in his latest letter: “Who should we listen to?” On human-caused climate change, surely not Mr. Mandic! 

But instead of fruitlessly going back and forth in print to expose the errors in his facts and arguments, I would be more than willing to pay at least part of a one-way ticket for Mandic to visit any number of destinations that have already been ravaged by the climate-altering consequences of burning fossil fuels. 

Just a few examples: A third of the land mass of Pakistan recently submerged by devastating flash floods; the Pacific island of Tuvalu in the process of moving its population to New Zealand and elsewhere because of sea level rise; Iran recently shutting down because of torrid temperatures reaching 125 degrees Fahrenheit, dangerously close to the threshold for human survivability; Arctic permafrost melting at unprecedented rates, not only releasing massive quantities of the potent greenhouse gas methane, but requiring wholesale relocation of northern villages. 

Plus much more – a list that will continue to grow explosively until we humans get serious about drastically reducing our dependence on fossil fuels.

Liz Armstrong,