‘Done nothing’

Dear Editor:

Forcing municipalities, as the Ford government did in the best communist fashion, with his 10-year plan for housing growth targets will not help to solve the most pressing housing and social problems, namely:

1. The construction of affordable rental housing for our middle class singles and families who can no longer afford to own a home of their own.

2. The construction (are you listening Mr. Ford?) of more hospitals and medical teaching facilities that must to go hand-in-hand with housing/population growth.

There is an urgent need for more hospitals and doctors (don’t we all know this?) before we can even think about increasing our population density.

The next time provincial and federal politicians of any stripe come knocking on your door, kissing your babies and shaking hands with grizzled seniors like myself,  do not ask them what their party might do to alleviate the affordable housing shortage and health care needs (unless you want to listen to the usual pre-election stereotype platitudes and promises) – ask them why their party has done nothing in the past decades to tackle these  well known problems!

And don’t let them near your babies or shake hands with grizzled old folks.

Joerg Schnabel,