Halloween costume inspired by Walmart employee

Welcome to Walmart – When three-year-old Odin Coghill said he wanted to be “the sticker chart lady from the blue store,” for Halloween, his mother Jody Coghill knew who he meant – Tracie, a greeter at the Walmart store in Fergus –  but wasn’t quite sure how to go about getting a costume. In an email to the Advertiser, Jody said Tracie is a special woman who gives Odin stickers whenever they visit the store and he loves her.

“Tracie is an exceptional person,” Jody wrote. “Her smile and warm personality warms the heart. It’s no wonder my son wanted to dress up as her for Halloween.”

Jody said she asked a moms’ group on Facebook for ideas and someone donated an old Walmart vest. Jody made a name tag and got some smiley stickers and then they headed off to the store to show Tracie. In the end, Odin opted not to wear the vest, but they got this photo and Tracie was delighted that Odin wanted to dress up as her.

“I posted this picture to a local moms’ group and after 200 likes and so many wonderful comments about how lovely Tracie is, it’s evident she’s a community favourite for so many children in Fergus. Keep doing great work Tracie! Making people smile is important work.” Jody wrote.