Donation to create sessions on cyber safety, human trafficking

WELLINGTON COUNTY – In June, 100 Women Who Care Rural Wellington held its first in-person meeting in over two years at the Elora Raceway.  

The charity selected by members to receive the collective donation was Crime Stoppers Guelph Wellington. 

This donation will be used to create education sessions for parents on cyber safety and human trafficking. 

While these topics are discussed in schools to alert youth to the dangers, parents may be less informed. 

The education will provide tips on how parents can start the conversation with their children about online safety concerns. 

In addition, parents will learn simple steps that they can take to protect their children online. 

Information on how human traffickers connect with children and techniques they use to build trust will be shared. 

Human trafficking is alive and well in Wellington County and steps need to be taken to keep our children safe, officials say. Once the program has been created, Crime Stoppers Guelph Wellington will offer the education to parents across all of rural Wellington County. 

100 Women Who Care Rural Wellington continues to support charities across Wellington County. 

If you would be interested in more information on joining the organization and making Wellington County a better place to live, call 519-321-1151, email or visit the 100 Women Who Care website at