Mulch – Employees from All Treat Farms, a subsidiary of Walker Environmental, took time out of their busy schedules on June 8 to do some weeding and laying of new mulch in the gardens at the Arthur Optimist Splash Pad in preparation for the Arthur 150 celebration taking place over the Canada Day weekend. Back row, from left, are: Joshua Kieley-Woodward, Jeremy Magloughlen, Jen McCulloch, Janelle Reynolds, Emily Skelding and Sean Seery. Front row: Darlene Sinclair, Brooke-Lynn Hoffele and Jessica Fabris. Submitted photo
Mulch – Employees from All Treat Farms, a subsidiary of Walker Environmental, took time out of their busy schedules on June 8 to do some weeding and laying of new mulch in the gardens at the Arthur Optimist Splash Pad in preparation for the Arthur 150 celebration taking place over the Canada Day weekend.