Jewelry fundraiser

Dear Editor:

I think most of us can agree that it’s very easy to accumulate things that we think we need or want, only to find that in fact, our prized possessions sit unused, hidden away, never to be seen again. I was definitely guilty of this and my weakness had always been jewelry.

I decided to take my love for jewelry and put my collection to better use and here’s how it began.

It was roughly seven years ago that I came upon a story that changed my life. I discovered what was happening to the critically endangered orangutan of Borneo and Sumatra in South East Asia and the lifesaving rescue and rehabilitation work that International Animal Rescue was doing to help this threatened species. 

Clearing land to make way for palm oil plantations has resulted in mass deforestation in Indonesia and Malaysia where more than 80% of the world’s palm oil is produced. This has destroyed the natural habitat of animals including orangutans, tigers, rhinos and elephants, pushing many to the brink of extinction. 

Orangutans, as well as many other wild animals, are being driven from the forest in heart wrenching scenes that go unnoticed in western media; the pain and suffering incurred is shocking and inhumane. Finding ways to help has become my passion and the opportunity to do so has been fulfilling and life changing.

As a volunteer fundraiser I have done a number of different things like yard sales, many raffles at the company I am employed by, campaigning at Zehrs grocery stores, the Guelph Santa Claus Parade, and up until COVID-19, I have hosted an annual Orangutan Pub Night. 

I am always looking for new ways to raise funds and reach people with the story of the critically endangered orangutan. 

My latest fundraising initiative has been collecting jewelry. The jewelry collection that I have put together is called “The Rainforest Collection”; it’s very eclectic, with something for everyone. It consists of my own pre-loved jewelry and jewelry that has been donated by family, friends, artisans from around the world, as well as compassionate and generous people within our Guelph/Fergus community. 

To all of these people, I am so very grateful. The response has been amazing and as a result I have been a vendor at several shows where I have been able to sell the jewelry. I am scheduled to be at this years Guelph Multicultural Festival in June with my “Rain Forest Collection” and will continue to do markets right up to Christmas. 

All profits raised go directly to IAR’s Orangutan Project ( If anyone is interested in getting involved in this very special cause and has jewelry they no longer have use for, please reach out to me ( I am grateful for any and all support.

Patricia Cuthbert,