Rainbow criticism

Dear Editor:

I am concerned about the apparent need for rainbow colours everywhere. Rainbow flags can be seen on flagpoles, light standards and store fronts. And now the rainbow colours are painted on the steps of the Wellington County Museum and Archives.

Is this a good use of tax dollars, my tax dollars? Is this necessary? Is this wise? Oh, but lately it seems, what is foolish is now considered wise and what is wise is considered foolish. 

What do we tell our children? What do you say to a six-year-old child when he or she asks, “Mom, why did they paint the steps in the colours of the rainbow?” or “Dad, what does the rainbow-coloured flag mean?” 

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the rainbow-coloured steps meant what the rainbow really represents? (On a side note, the real rainbow is seven colours, not six). It would be so good to tell children about the mercy of God in that the real rainbow is a sign that He would never again destroy the world with a flood. 

What would be wise is to keep all things in the current rainbow-themed movement away from the eyes of children. The Bible speaks clearly about how we are not to lead little ones astray. 

I am sending this letter to the Wellington County Museum and Archives as well, asking them to remove the paint. May we as adults show wisdom and discernment. Clear-heading thinking is sorely needed. 

Let our children be children.

Diane Breukelman,