Flying ‘hypocrites’

Dear Editor:

The COP26 climate conference in Scotland is a ridiculous joke. The attendees are crying that the sky is falling, but we all can see they don’t really believe it.

About 30,000 people flew to the conference on 400 private jets pouring 13,000 tonnes of CO2 into the very atmosphere they are piously crying that they are trying to save. A British newspaper calculated that that is more than 1,600 Scots would produce in an entire year.

When asked why they could not have held the conference by Zoom, a COP official said, “But when you really get into crunch negotiations – when you want to look somebody in the eye and talk to them face to face, you do need to meet in person and this is really critical.” Why is that?

If they really believed the Earth was going to fry and all of us with it, if we don’t stop burning fossil fuels, they would not need a conference at all. They would cap all oil wells and close all coal mines immediately. They would have grounded all planes. They have been yapping about this for so long they could have given everyone an electric car long ago.

  All energy production has risks which we have to live with. Oil and gas emit airborne pollution. Wind turbines kill birds and end up in our dumps after 20 years and solar panels end up there too. Both are not reliable and need oil and gas backups. Coal is a really dirty polluter. Bioplants operators cut down and burn the very trees which are supposed to sequester carbon.

Nuclear power has the potential of radiating a huge area around a power plant and no one wants the spent fuel rods in their backyard. Even hydro dams could burst, however unlikely. The “green” electric cars which are supposed to help save us have batteries made with heavy metals. The number of mines needed to get these heavy metals will be a huge disruption to the very Earth they are trying to save. And when those millions upon millions of large car batteries are dead will all the countries of the world dispose of them correctly, if that is even possible?

If the crisis climate change believers lived by their creed they would not fly in planes. They look like a holy-roller Christian who openly keeps a mistress on the side. The leaders at COP26 are flying sky-is-falling-in hypocrites!

Jane Vandervliet,