100 Women Who Care Rural Wellington donates to VON on third anniversary

WELLINGTON COUNTY – At the third anniversary meeting of 100 Women Who Care Rural Wellington members chose the VON as the winning charity.

Donations from the members taking part in the September virtual  totatled $9,800.

“It seems like just yesterday that the chapter, which serves all rural Wellington, was formed,” officials note in an Oct. 29 press release.

In those three years the chapter has donated well over $125,000 dollars to local charities who serve residents who live in all areas of Wellington County.

During the pandemic charities have seen a significant decline in the donations they rely on to continue their good work and those who were struggling to make ends meet have been disproportionally affected by the pandemic, officials note, stating “hand in hand this is a recipe for disaster in our community.”

“It is such a great feeling to participate as a member of 100 WWCRW” says Helen Edwards. “When we all donate together it allows the charity to receive an unexpected donation and they can either increase their capacity or start a new initiative.”   

It is the power of a group of women working together for community betterment that attracts members to the chapter, the press release states.

Anyone interested in becoming a member of 100 Women Who Care Rural Wellington should visit www.100WWCRW.com or call 519-321-1151. Members commit to a minimum of one year and a financial donation of $100 at each of the four meetings per year.

“If you love the idea of joining 100 Women Who Care Rural Wellington, but don’t want to commit to attending the meetings, that is okay, just vote and make your donation online.  Together we can make Wellington County a kinder and more equitable place to live,” officials state.