Honesty lacking

Dear Editor:

My husband grows garlic. Normally he grows enough for us and our family and friends. This year he decided to grow some extra and sell it at the end of our driveway. He took the time to plant it, grow it, pick it, dry it and clean it.

This past weekend he proudly put out a table of his harvest. He put out three baskets selling large full bulbs for $2 each, and subsequent bulbs for $1 each. It was satisfying to sell enough on Friday for some “fun money”.

It was equally disappointing that someone stopped on Saturday outside our home and took all of his garlic, baskets and all, leaving behind only the price signs shoved into the jar meant for money.

There are people with much more skin in the game than us, who rely on the proceeds from their labour for their livelihood rather than fun money. People who sell you fresh produce work hard to make it available to you. Please show your appreciation with honesty.

Sherri Moyer,