Local council initiates World Suicide Prevention Day project

WELLINGTON COUNTY – World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) is every Sept. 10, and its theme is “Creating Hope Through Action.”

The Suicide Awareness Council of Wellington-Dufferin has designated the entire month of September as World Suicide Prevention Month and will use social media to engage and educate the public on suicide prevention.

To kick things off, there will be a campaign leading up to WSPD called Reconnecting: 10 Days-100 Ways. The project runs from Sept. 1 through 10 and information can be found at www.10days100ways4suicideprevention.com

Council coordinator Heather Glenister says, “at some level we have all experienced stress because of the pandemic. People have been disconnected from family, friends, places, and other things that give them meaning and happiness. Everyone is feeling the strain, and this can lead to burnout, depression, anxiety and increase the risk for suicide.”

The Reconnecting initiative has 10 themes. Each one, is a protective factor that help us individuals  mange life’s challenges, build resilience and foster well-being.

“By re-connecting with what brings us joy and hope, we can reduce the risk of suicide. Reconnecting is about re-engaging with the things that support our mental and physical well-being,” states Glennister.

To finish the campaign, the Council invites people to light a candle at 8pm on Sept. 10 and place it near a window. The candle will be a beacon of caring and compassion and recognizes those bereaved by suicide and the survivors of suicide. It’s also a reminder that everyone has a role to play in suicide prevention and creating hope through action can change someone’s life.