Bike lanes great

Dear Editor:

RE: Fergus resident collects 800 signatures on petition to scrap bike lane option, July 15.

The story posted about those opposing the bike lanes has deeply upset me.

This town has thrived on community support and when someone from the community decides to take the time out of their lives to benefit the community, it should be met with positive feedback. This petition has no research backing it has no plan to take its place.

I have lived in Elora and Fergus my whole life besides one year I spent abroad in Sweden. I always thought our town was very progressive but after living in Scandinavia I realized we are far behind and this petition shows it. In Sweden they actively look for plans to better the future for its citizens.

As a young person I think it is sad that the older community is actively opposing change to benefit youth. Why do people who had no intention of using the bike lanes get a say? Some people need to look outside themselves and once they remove those self-important blinders they will realize these plans for bike lanes are great for this community.

These bike lanes are benefiting me, my family and my future children. If this town is going to go against a bike lane we are really not as great as we think we are. This is a small step; so small it is crazy that people are so against it.

I have read the concerns of those who are against this and a few parking spots missing really doesn’t seem to sway me at all. I think the petition writers should take the time to have a nice bike ride around our beautiful town and see things from a different perspective.

People have a right to safe transportation in all forms.

Elise Perreault,