Questions enthusiasts

Dear Editor:

RE: ATV enthusiasts, June 24.

The writers of this letter praise the use of all-terrain vehicles for recreation. They are 68 years old, and write that Guelph-Eramosa township has done right to allow the use of ATVs, and that the township is a leader. As well, they say it’s a good way to meet your neighbours – to wave and to talk to them.

What? Over all that noise and fumes? They encourage us to obey all the laws and have fun in this great way to exercise and get out in the fresh air. Wow! Fresh air when the ATV is emitting carbon monoxide fumes and making noise.

At age 90 and a longtime hiker and hike leader, may I suggest that walking/running/skiing are better for the body, for the mind, and the ears, and for the environment.

Or haven’t they heard about the climate crisis and the harm we’re doing for our children’s future?

Helen Hansen,