UGDSB offering free webinar for parents entitled ‘Hope in Times of Uncertainty’

GUELPH – The Upper Grand District School Board (UGDSB),  along with several community partners, is offering parents and guardians the opportunity to participate in a webinar about maintaining hope in uncertain times.

Mental Health Leads from the UGDSB and Wellington Catholic DSB noticed the growing impact on parents/guardians during the pandemic and wanted to support families in different ways, including through guest presentations.

With the help of community partners like  ACEs Coalition Guelph/Wellington, Parents for Children’s Mental Health, Canadian Mental Health Association Waterloo Wellington, Dufferin Child and Family Services, and Family Counselling and Support Services Guelph Wellington, this webinar was made possible.

Hope in Times of Uncertainty: Raising Resilient Children will feature guest speaker Dr. Michael Ungar.

In this webinar, Dr. Ungar will share stories to help participants understand resilience and achieve hope in times of uncertainty.

Ungar will share nine practical ideas that parents, caregivers and educators can use to promote well-being in children.

Following Ungar’s presentation, participants will hear from a local parent, an educator, and a community member who will share examples of how they use these ideas with children in their lives.

Webinar is on April 28 from 6:30 to 8pm.

To register: visit, click on the press release, and open the link in the release. To learn more about Dr. Ungar, visit