4-H Spectacular Super Sewers

The first meeting of the Badenoch 4-H Club in 2008 was on Feb. 1 held at the home of Joan Law.
During the club our 14 members will be learning to sew. On this day, we learned how to hand sew a hem and how to sew on a different types of buttons. We also had an opportunity to iron a shirt.
We elected our executive as follows: president, Alanna Kitching, vice-president, Ash­ley Fryer, secretary-Pamela Kitching, and press reporter, Owen Hamilton. We chose The Badenoch Spectacular Super Sewers as our club name.
Leaders for this club are: Joan Law, Helen McLean, Edith Reist, Ida Law, Jennifer Tosh and Marion Hunter.
Submitted by: Owen Hamilton
The second meeting of the Badenoch Spectacular Super Sewers 4-H club created a lot of excitement on Feb. 8. The club’s project was revealed. All members will be spending the next month creating bears – each member is responsible for making three Teddy bears. During this meeting the little brown bear was born.
Alanna Kitching, opened the meeting with the 4-H pledge and then we all started to cut out and sew our baby Teddy bears. One of the little bear’s is named Carter. Carter’s mommy and daddy have not been sewn yet, but they will be soon. Once the meeting was called to a close the bears went home with their creators.
The club will meet at the home of Joan Law after school on Friday nights and will continue to increase the teddy bear population of the area.
Submitted by: Veronica Wood
The third meeting of our club took place at Law’s home on Feb. 22. We continued to work on our Teddy bear project. We learned how to turn the bears ‘right-side out’ after sewing them and then learned how to stuff them.
Some members finished their baby bears and began working on their next bear.
The roll call was taken and the Minutes of the last meeting were read. Our meeting closed with the 4-H pledge and then we had a delicious snack.
submitted by Owen Hamilton
