4-H sheep club makes yummy recipes

For the third meeting of the Wellington Sheep club, we met at the Erin Dining Hall on June 24.  

For this meeting, we decided to use lamb in different recipes and serve dinner to our parents and leaders. 

We started the meeting with Brandon Bartlett leading us with the 4-H pledge. 

Next we broke up into different groups and read through our recipes, which included lamb kebabs, lamb sliders, grilled lamb chops, lemon rice and Greek salad. 

We did some prep work for the meal and while the meat was marinating, we continued with the meeting.

We discussed the format of our remaining three meetings, our fundraiser on July 14 and the field trip to Thatcher Farms. 

We will have a meeting to learn how to shear our lambs and another one to practice showmanship. 

Leslie Cook and Julie Townsend, our leaders, gave us some information regarding our achievement day at Fergus fair.

Then we started the cooking and preparations for our guests. Wade Smith and Brandon Bartlett barbecued and  other members finished making the rice and salad. 

The tables were set and we were all getting hungry with the delicious smells.

Soon it was ready and everyone agreed it was a great  meal. 

Thanks to our leaders for organizing this fun and  informative meeting. And also a big thank you to Garry and Eileen Brown for supplying the ground lamb for the sliders and shoulder roast for the  kebabs.

submitted by Natalie Klein
