4-H: Learning and practicing square dancing

The 2nd meeting of the Erin 4-H Square Dancing Club was held on Nov. 6. President Madison opened the meeting with the 4-H Pledge.

The secretary’s report was read, as was any new business such as the Awards Ceremony to be held on Nov. 25 at the Elora Community Center.  

Also, the Royal Winter Fair held square dancing shows for the public to see on Nov. 13. Members then started to square dance and practice the steps we learned last week. We took a five minute break and then were shown more difficult steps and their names by our leaders. Practicing these was fun for all.

Madison closed the meeting with the 4-H Pledge.  Our next meeting was to take place on Nov. 13 at the Masonic Hall in Erin.  

submitted by Sarah Ceccato

