4-H Council announces fee hike

The Ontario 4-H Council has announced an increase to its provincial membership fee.

The fee for all 2011 4-H members is now set at $60 per member per year – a 10% hike.

Officials said at $60, the fee continues to provide tremendous value.

The $10 increase represents an annualized inflation since 2005 of less than 4% per year when the fee was increased from $35 to $50.

Officials said in seeking to ensure 4-H Ontario’s sustainable support, services and impact to 4-H Ontario’s volunteers, members and our communities across Ontario, the $10 increase will enable strategic access to new resources and services.

As a percentage of total provincial revenue, the membership fee at $50 has represented an average contribution to the organization’s vision of 19.5%. Nov. 1 is the traditional cut-off for 2010 club project registrations.

