4-H Beef Club: Learning to judge

At the 5th beef meeting we opened with the 4-H pledge, we were than organized in alphabetical order to get our name tags then got split up into four groups to rotate from station to station.

The first station my group went to was judging winter boots we talked about some of the things to look for in the boots like are there any cracks or holes, presentation, and insulation.

At the next station we learned about antibiotics for cows some of the symptoms to look for if the cow is sick. An example for mastitis is udders reddening and swollen udders. We also learned when to give the antibiotics and what types, where to give the antibiotics and the forms of antibiotics.

Then at the next station we learned about bee farming, we learned about how to start bee farming how to make sure the bees are getting enough nutrients how to use pesticides safely and the types to use and how to get rid of pests.

After we learned the three “P’s bothering B’s” we got to see some of the equipment they use like the hives in boxes and smokers.

Our last station was one where we were assigned our projects for the fall fair about how different products like corn syrup became corn syrup.

We ended the meeting with the 4-H motto and gave special thanks to our guests Danyelle Lenox for helping judge winter boots, Rex Crawford for talking with us about antibiotics, Hugh Simpson and Les Eccles for bringing their bee farming equipment and knowledge and Shawridge Elevators for supplying their shed for us to host the meeting.    

submitted by Kaitlin Gorman
