It looks like things are on track for a 26-unit apartment complex across the street from the Irvine Gorge adjacent to Geddes Street here in Salem. On June 29, council removed the holding zone from the property at 23 Stumpf Street.
Council’s decision followed an updated report from township planner Mariana Iglesias which recommended removal of the holding symbol from the project.
Iglesias recommended the township authorize the mayor and clerk to execute a by-law to remove the holding zone symbol from the land known municipally as 23 Stumpf Street, Salem.
Iglesias stated Oxford Green Developments proposed to construct a 26-unit apartment building on the site at 23 located within the Elora-Salem Urban Centre.
The holding zone existed to ensure appropriate arrangements for municipal servicing and access were in place prior to construction.
Iglesias added the township and the developer entered into a site plan agreement to address the issues and the developer deposited funds to provide for the municipal servicing of the site.
She stated “all of the township’s prerequisites for the issuance of a building permit have been fulfilled.”
As such she believed it appropriate to remove the holding zone symbol from the property at this time.
“ Given that permit issuance is imminent, staff did not feel it is appropriate to delay the application until July 20,” Iglesias said.
For more information about the development go to