Get manuscripts ready for the 2008 Eden Mills Writers’ Festival contests.
There are three competitions from which aspiring or modestly published writers can choose:
– 2008 Eden Mills Writers’ Festival literary contest, internationally open to new, aspiring, and modestly published writers over the age of 16. Contestants may submit a short story, poetry, or play postmarked by June 30, (no electronic submissions, please). First prize is $500, second is $300, third is $200, as well as honourable mention certificates.
The submission fee is $10 per entry and payable by cheque. Finalists will be notified prior to the festival and winners will be announced on Sept. 7. For further information on manuscript preparation email or call 519-856-9450.
The eighth annual Ishar Singh poetry contest: The theme this year is Wandering and Wondering in the Natural World, with prizes presented by the Eden Mills Writers’ Festival and The Bookshelf, Guelph. There will be five grand prize winners of $100, and five runners-up of $50, one from each level of primary (grades 1 to 3), junior (grades 4 to 6), intermediate (grades 7 to 8), junior high (9 and 10), and senior high (11-12). Prizes are donated in memory of Ishar Singh.
Entries must be received by July 4 and prize winners will be announced at the 20th annual Eden Mills Writers’ Festival on September 7. For further details relating to the contest, contact us by telephone at 519-822-8236 or by email at
The organizers are also issuing a call for submissions to read at The Fringe.
The Fringe is a location open to writers previously unpublished in book format who may submit prose or poetry for consideration for reading at the Eden Mills Writers’ Festival. Deadline for entries is postmarked by July 30, and all entries are subject to a $10 reading fee.
Selected readers will be notified by mid-August and will also be invited to meet with the festival authors at the pre-festival party.
For more information email